Inspiring Solo Agers
Meet Sara Zeff Geber, Ph.D.
Dr. Geber is a sought-after professional speaker and an accomplished author on retirement and aging. A 2018 recipient of the “Influencers in Aging” designation by PBS’ Next Avenue, she has developed a niche specialty finding ways to make life better for Solo Agers, people who have no children or who are aging alone.
Sara believes Solo Agers have unique needs in later life that warrant greater foresight and a more robust approach to planning. For the past 10 years, she has made raising awareness of the special challenges of Solo Agers her personal crusade, speaking and writing to senior living operators, owners and developers, eldercare experts, elder law attorney, financial planners, policy-makers and others who play a role in the aging of America.
Acclaimed Speaker
Sara speaks TO Solo Agers and ABOUT Solo Agers. The following are some of her more recent speaking engagements:
- Florida Council on Aging: (keynote for annual conference) “Solo Agers: Major Players in the Next Generation of Elders”
- The Leading Age Leadership Summit: “It’s Past Time to Think About Solo Agers”
- International Council on Active Aging: “Solo Agers: Major Players in the Future of Senior living”
- American Society on Aging: “Solo Agers Need Smart Housing Choices for Survival”
- Brio Financial Planning (keynote for conference): “Successfully Engaging with Single and Child-free Adults”
- NIC Fall Conference: “The New Consumer” (with Bob Kramer)
- LeadingAge CA: “Solo Agers are Knocking at Your Door!”
- CA Assisted Living Association: “Meeting the Challenges of Attracting and Caring for Those Without Family”
- JCC of San Francisco: “Meeting the Challenges of Solo Aging”
- Association of Senior Real Estate Specialists: (keynote for web conference): “Guiding and Coaching Clients Without Family”
- Acacia Creek Retirement Community: “Meeting the Challenges of solo Aging” (marketing event)
- Casa de las Campanas Retirement Community: “Meeting the Challenges of Solo Aging” (marketing event)

Best Selling Author and Writer
Dr. Geber is the author of Essential Retirement Planning for Solo Agers: A Retirement and Aging Roadmap for Single and Childless Adults (Mango Press, 2018). An Amazon best seller, the book was also selected that year as a “best book on aging well” by the Wall Street Journal.
More About Dr. Geber
In 2023, Sara was the guest editor of the summer issue of the American Society on Aging’s Generations Journal. One of the most popular issues ever released, this issue contained 16 articles on a wide variety of topics important to Solo Agers.
Sara is a regular contributor to on the topics of aging and retirement. She is also a fellow at Nexus Insights, a think tank and incubator for revolutionary concepts in senior living and aging.
Though married, Sara considers herself a Solo Ager, since she has no children. She lives with her husband and pooch in Sonoma County, California.
Sara is active in the Retirement Coaches Association, the American Society on Aging, the Life Planning Network, the Transition Network, and the Sonoma County Section on Aging.
As Seen On…
A frequent media guest Dr. Geber has been seen in the following and many more.