Empowering! Entertaining! Engaging!
Mixing years of solid research with personal experience, Sara Zeff Geber, Ph.D. is the unrivaled thought leader and acclaimed speaker on Solo Aging and the importance of building and maintaining community in later life.
Available for both live and virtual events, Dr. Geber is a nationally renowned expert in the non-financial side of retirement planning, what she calls, “life planning.”
Her lively talks educate those in the business of aging on how to better serve Solo Agers. Sara shares her knowledge and wisdom about successful Solo Aging in an engaging and light-hearted fashion with all of her audiences. Whether your business is senior housing development, health care system, financial planning, or elder law, learning how to address the challenges of unsupported aging alone is essential to providing much-needed services.
At senior living marketing events, Sara is a convincing voice on the importance of aging in community, especially for Solo Agers. She has proven her mettle many times over with residential sign-ups after her engaging talks.
Dr. Geber’s Most Requested Speaking Topics
Meeting the Unique Needs of Clients Without Family Support
This presentation for financial planners, estate attorneys, CPAs, and professional caregivers, focuses on ways to guide and counsel Solo Agers
From Aging in Place to Aging in Community
Determining where and how to live, avoiding isolation and loneliness, and acknowledging a need for a change in lifestyle are high points in this talk about finding and maintaining a sense of community when moving into later decades of life.
Retiring and Aging Solo: Understanding the Needs of Single and Child-free Older Adults
Aimed at those who serve Solo Agers or want to attract more Solo Agers to their practice. Ideal for financial planners, elder law and estate attorneys, CPAs, SRES
It’s Past Time to Think About Solo Agers
Aimed at financial planners, estate attorneys, CPAs, and professional caregivers, this talk focuses on ways to guide and counsel Solo Agers in a variety of planning topics.
Attracting Child-free and Solos to Senior Living
For owners & operators of senior living communities, specifically life plan communities, this talk focuses on how to market and sell to Solo Agers.
Goodbye Magical Thinking: Real Life Planning for Solo Agers
Think you’ll die in your sleep? Unlikely, say the actuaries. Find out what goes into a solid care plan for a Solo Ager. A presentation for and about Solo Agers
End-of-Life and Estate Issues for Solo Agers
Geared to Solo Agers in settings like senior centers, houses of worship, and any area where older adults gather
Solo Agers Need Smart Housing Choices for Survival
This presentation and discussion has been well received by Solo Agers and professionals who serve them. Senior real estate professionals (SRES), financial advisors, developers, and anyone who is in a position to influence the residential choices of older adults.
Guiding and Coaching Clients Without Family
This presentation for retirement and life coaches highlights the particulars of how to successfully coach the Solo Ager.
What Audiences Say
What to Expect from Dr. Geber’s Speaking Engagements
In-depth Knowledge
The leader in Solo Aging, Sara uses years of research and personal experience to share her progressive ideas on community building and housing for older adults.
Down-to-Earth Approach
Known for her practical, friendly, and fun speaking engagements, Sara loves to involve her audience in the process of discovery, inviting listeners to laugh and enjoy her stories and share their own.
Audiences are motivated to be proactive and action-oriented, to realize the impact they can have in community-building as well as their own aging plan.
Dr. Geber has previously spoken at…